
Psychological Assessment

Personality assessment involves the use of scientifically formulated tools which help in understanding the person’s patterns in current and long-standing ways of thinking and interacting with the world. This helps in getting a clearer picture of their psychological functioning in broad and specific areas of concern, identifying underlying factors contributing to distress, and diagnosing the presence and severity of clinical disorders.

Some of the areas in which personality assessment often provides insight include the person’s self-concept, self-worth and life story; areas of strength and struggles (personal, professional and social); values, needs and belief systems; repressed thoughts and feelings; resilience and coping mechanisms; quality of interpersonal relationships; impact of significant life experiences and relationships; history of trauma, abuse or neglect; presence of depression, anxiety and anger; emotional maturity and expression; and personality patterns. Assessment is conducted with the purpose of helping the client and the therapist reach a comprehensive and objective understanding of what’s really going on and developing better informed therapeutic plans. Assessment helps in ascertaining areas and processes for therapeutic work which would be most beneficial for the client based on their unique personality, needs and level of functioning.

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